The Big Picture
The environment's at the heart of all our work.
Welcome to the First Mile features and hot topics that make us tick.

New Year, greener you - sustainable resolutions for 2023
Living sustainably is all about making small changes and conscious choices. Here are our top 6 suggested resolutions for a greener 2023.

Sustainable office clearances and bulky waste collections
One of the most challenging aspects of sustainable waste disposal for businesses to deal with is clearances and bulky waste collections. At First Mile, we offer sustainable, zero-to-landfill office and bulky waste clearances.

Easy ways to have a less wasteful Christmas
If you’re dreaming of a green Christmas this year, you’re not alone.

Can you recycle wrapping paper?
Cutting down on your gift wrapping this Christmas will cut your carbon emissions.

The wonderful world of composting
There are so many benefits to composting, and it's never been easier to do it as a household or business. To help, here's our ultimate guide to composting.

The ultimate guide to recycling waste this winter
With the end of British summer time, we’re heading into more wintry weather. Rain, wind, ice and snow all bring challenges for managing our recycling. Fortunately, there are ways to make winter recycling easier and safer for everyone.

Celebrate World Vegan Day
Going vegan is becoming more popular than ever before, driven by concern about animal welfare, health and the climate crisis. And, with a huge variety of plant-based and dairy-free products available, it’s now easier than ever to go vegan.

Can you recycle Confidential Waste Paper?
Any document or electronic item that contains personal data about your customers, suppliers or employees counts as ‘confidential waste’. Any document that contains names, addresses, contact numbers, financial data or anything that can be used to identify people counts as ‘confidential paper waste’.
Get in touch
You're one step away from a cheaper, greener recycling service.