Simpler Recycling legislation is coming 1st April 2025.
Click here to find out more.

National Retailers and Groups


First Mile collects from over 30,000 locations across the UK and Ireland, providing waste and recycling solutions to a large number of national chains, retailers and food & beverage businesses.




What makes First Mile different?

We make it easy to manage your recycling and waste services, across hundreds of locations, with different local regulations, and site constraints. We can;

  • Deliver lasting efficiency projects that drive up recycling and efficiencies; saving you money and improving your impact
  • Deliver recycling solutions for your own products or packaging; e.g. customer returns or take back recycling schemes
  • Simplify compliance; manage all documentation via our customer portal
  • Give your stores location-locked access to the portal to manage site-specific services or reorder
  • Report league tables of locations to track environmental and service performance
  • Deliver high-end levels of service so you can focus on running your business 
  • Give you a dedicated Account Manager with regular meetings and project management
  • Generate high-quality recycling and waste data across your estate including Scope emissions and other conversion factors. 

Get started today