Simpler Recycling legislation is coming 1st April 2025.
Click here to find out more.

Recycling Benefits for Your Company

Service Extras

Pick any combo of our service extras when you sign up, to help boost your business recycling rate and Green credentials.

Call us today on 0800 612 9894 to chat through.


Get the lowdown on recycling best practice
Recycling Posters

Guidance on every commercial recycling service to remind folk what goes where. Plus labelling available to brand existing recycling bins. Download your recycling posters for free now!

Monthly reports
Key stats on your recycling achievements straight to your mailbox every month, also available on your online portal. Count up those saved trees and feel good.
Waste Audit

We can audit all of your business waste and provide the data to help you improve. Learn more here.

Learning Online
Educate and engage your team on waste with a fun app. Raise awareness and superboost your recycling rates.


Improve your footprint by understanding it
Bin Audit
A workplace visit to get the most out of your business waste collection. Help with the removal of under-desk bins and better allocation of recycling to
Account support
An account manager dedicated to helping you achieve your recycling targets. A smooth-running service makes for an easy life.
Waste Reduction Tools
Even better than responsible business waste disposal is waste reduction. Plot your benchmark waste output in our online portal. Track your progress with satisfaction.
Smart tools and data
QR codes, bin weights, sensors and recycling reports. Get more precise data to help you go greener.
Waste stratergy
We'll help you develop long-term goals for business waste and recycling, built around the simple areas of; Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.


A celebration of your great recycling habits. Pin to the wall or display in your virtual shop window.
Annual Certificate
A celebration of your great recycling habits. Pin to the wall or display in your virtual shop window.
Recycling bins
A full range you can buy, or rent from as little as £1 a month. Your secret weapon to inspiring better recycling. Check our recycle bins shop now!
Recycle mobile app
Learning made fun. Hone great workplace habits by helping Recyclie Rat to sort his rubbish. Find out More


Roll up your sleeves and get involved
Recycling workshop
A hands-on masterclass brought to the door of your business. Make star recyclers of your staff by helping them learn how. Send us an email to book.
Facility Tours

A behind-the-scenes look at our award-winning Sacktory®. Get the inside scoop on the fate of your rubbish. Book a free tour here.

Get in touch

We'd love to hear from you to discuss your recycling needs and provide a tailor-fit quote for your business.